PCI Credit Card payments

  • Hosted Solution
  • API solutions
  • Tokensitation

PCI Credit Card clearing solutions for live operators and digital transaction

Hosted PCI Solution

The hosted solution places your payments pages and automated IVR service on our servers which are secure and maintained in a PCI environment.  Merchants only need to complete the SAQ annually to become PCI compliant.  These PCI credit card data pages are already PCI accredited but merchants can still brand them as their own.

API PCI Solution

The API solution locates the payment pages on your own server.  To maintain PCI status requires completion of a SAQ form once a year as well as having your servers/network scanned quarterly by an approved scanning vendor.  API integration allows merchants to design and control their own payment pages and to serve those pages with any device connected to the internet.  It is the solution most suitable for those running CRM systems and taking payments with live telesales teams or for remote worker environments.


This enables credit card data to be held on CARDsystems secure certified PCI infrastructure and a unique token or ID is return to the merchant to store against the customer record.  This reduces the amount of in scope environment our clients need to manage.  Tokenisation enables seamless repeat purchases, both over web forms online and via automated IVR payments.  CARDsystems is unique in this capability in that however the customer makes his payment over automated IVR, online on a mobile device, they will be recognised as CARDsystems customer independent of individual merchants using our PCI payment services.